Covering the full spectrum of professional safety services across all major industries.
Active Safety can conduct a detailed review of the WHS, IM & Risk Management Systems against the applicable State regulations, site specific criteria and best practice in Australian Industry. This review will focus on the documentation of the WHS, IM & Risk Management system to ensure the required systems, processes and procedures have been established.
On-site audits focus on the implementation of the documented WHS, IM & Risk Management systems. The audit would commence with a review of those issues identified in the desk top review, confirm the operation of the applicable system (through the verification of documented evidence) and determine the extent of involvement of site personnel involved in the operation of the system.
In addition to detailed systems audits Active Safety can undertake regular site surveillance / inspection reviews of the workplace to ensure ongoing compliance with the WHS requirements of projects. This will involve a site inspection and review of site records to confirm the ongoing implementation of the OHS systems established for the project.
Active Safety can also provide detailed audits of all emergency services and equipment at your specific workplace in relation to: Types and sizes of equipment / services required per number of workers; Positions / placement to enhance emergency response times; Monitor and review to ensure continual improvement.
We consult in the management of risk, safety, developing leaders at all levels, organisational culture change, embedding and securing change initiatives within organisational structures. Other areas of our services are devoted to the development of systems, from the initial systems planning and design stage through to writing of policies, standards, guidelines and work processes. Our consultants are experts in the enrichment of existing safety system tools through prior knowledge and experience through to the application to safety and leadership development programs; we use innovative strategies to create personalised pragmatic safety solutions for your organisation.
Active Safety has expertise in the areas of Emergency Response Processes development, Crisis Event Recovery and the preparation of industry specific Crisis Event Recovery procedures for organisations. The customised Crisis Event Recovery platform that can be developed by Active Safety includes such critical issues as: Development of comprehensive audit assessments; Development of comprehensive emergency response policies, processes and procedures for businesses; Documentation security; incorporation within a Quality Assurance framework to meet agreed objectives; The availability and evaluation of systems.
Active Safety can provide a broad scope of value for money services, which encompass: Compliance auditing to meet the requirements of all relevant Australian Standards and other relevant industry specific standards; Development of industry specific Emergency Response processes and procedures; Development of industry specific Risk Management Plans; Development of industry specific, pragmatic risk based solutions that comply with the requirements of Harmonised Legislation, Codes of Practice and business specific protocols.
Additionally, Active Safety provides the following services: Leadership mentoring at all levels; Organisational Cultural and Behavioural Change; Project Broad Brush Risk Assessments; Provision of professional consultants with proven expertise in their individual fields having demonstrated technical competence in enabling you to meet critical organisational goals; Provision of Training Systems and Courses; Workplace Hazard inspections and surveillance.